Our Products


We LOVE growing and eating microgreens! We grow a variety weekly. Studies have shown that microgreens are many times more nutritious than their full-sized vegetables.  Click here for our flyer.

The microgreens that we grow are:
Mild Mix, Spicy Mix, Broccoli, Kale, Sunflower, Cantaloupe, Red Cabbage, Kohlrabi, a variety of Mustard, a variety of Radish, Peas, Fenugreek, Arugula, Pak Choi, Brussel Sprout and Cilantro. Leek, Fennel, Carrot, Beet, and Swiss Chard are specialty offerings.


We grow an abundance of vegetables in our garden. This year we have plans for watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, chiles, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, beans, zucchini, summer and winter squash, eggplant, tomatillos and more..

Crafts from the HQ

Whenever the fancy strikes!